Strategies to improve handwriting.

Strategies to improve handwriting:There are many enjoyable activities which help young children to develop the strength and dexterity in their fingers which are necessary for holding and controlling a pencil or pen. Fine motor activities: these involve controlling and manipulating their hands and fingers which will help strengthen. Activity ideas could include: modelling with play dough… Read more »

Kung Hey Fat Choi

Today in Class one we tried noodles to celebrate Chinese New Year. We learnt what animal we all are and how to say Happy New Year in Chinese too. We even had a go at writing our name in Chinese lettering!

Class One homework

Please find below this weeks homework for both reception and year one. It will be in your child’s book bag. I look forward to seeing lots of home learning!

Year one homework

Today, your child will be bringing home some maths homework. Please can they find the numbers in the 2’s, 5’s and 10’s pattern. This homework will be linked with next weeks learning on multiplication.  In addition to this, if your child could look at their tricky words.

Class one are musical composers!

Today, we enjoyed looking at visual composition in music. The children learnt that we can represent music in shapes and symbols. We will be continuing this composition throughout the week, composing a musical score for our version of Jack and the beanstalk. 

Gymnastics fun

Today in PE, class one began to look at mat work for gymnastics. We learnt about a pike and a tuck for finishing our travelling. We all really enjoyed travelling across the mat how we wanted but remembering to end in a pike or a tuck. 

Maths fun

Today we have been clever countin and reading numbers whilst the Year 1 were counting in 2s, 5s and 10s!

Our Coral Reef

We are very proud of our Coal Reef! We used different toys and media to create our picture!

Rainbow fish

Today, we enjoyed listening to the story of the Rainbow Fish. We then used different percussion instruments to help us add sound as we retold  story. We then used the instruments to explore the sound our name makes 1,2,3 or 4 beats!

Computer fun

Today we used the computers to write our names, it was quite tricky to recognise the letters which are all capitals on the keyboard. We then learnt how to use the space bar and caps lock to write a capital letter for the start of our name.