PSHE – First Aid

Later on in history  we will be looking at medicine through the ages. Today we learnt some basic first aid that we could use to help someone now. If someone’s arm was hurt we could use this triangular bandage to support it so that it wouldn’t get any worse.

Poems about our local area

We have been continuing with poetry this week. We started by turning a story into a poem, because we found our poems before half term sounded a bit story like.  We used pictures of the local area to inspire our poems before writing them in groups. Finally we went around and read some of the… Read more »

Tennis and music

This afternoon we had fun playing tennis and composing music. In PE we practiced throwing, catching hitting and serving! We are improving each week!

Church Council Assembly

Today we had a visit from Reverend Sarah after the Church Council decided that they would like to make some changes to our altar. She came in to tell us about the colours the church use to celebrate different festivals throughout the year. She showed us some of her stoles she wears for the different dates…. Read more »


Today Mrs Brown-Lee took a group of children out to bake. They focused on different types of bread and how this has changed over time. Thank you to Mrs Brown-Lee for coming in.

Maypole Dancing

Today Alison came to teach us how to Maypole Dance. We learnt various different dances including the plait and cobweb. Each dance created a different pattern and we had to follow the instructions to make sure we didn’t get tangled up!

Plant Study

Today we studied the seeds we had planted. We thought the seeds we placed in the dark wouldn’t have grown at all, but actually they had! We found out that seeds need the right conditions to grow, and that they only need the sunlight when they poke through the soil. Using magnifying glasses we made… Read more »


We have been learning a new sport, tennis. Today we continued to focus on control the ball, before building up to short rallies with a partner.

Cave Painting Recounts

Yesterday we create our own Stone Age art using charcoal from a fire. Today we wrote about how we might feel if we had seen here pictures in a real cave. To help use we created our own caves and recorded how we actually felt. We used these ideas in our recounts. We focused on… Read more »

Our Olympian

Today we met Ezekiel ‘Zeek’ Ewulo, our Sports Champion. Zeek is a long jumper. He taught us all about training and how he achieved his medals. We got to experience some of his training ourselves. Then we went out to try different Olympic sports ourselves. We definitely have some budding long jumpers ourselves.