Space Poems

Today some of us wrote space poems using dramatic adjectives and personification. Here are some of our poems. Running yellow dust, Cheesy yellow planets, Walking light, Pitch black sky, Diamond blue lightni, Blood red lava.


Some photos of our explanation work.


Today we used our designs to make our own rockets. We used glue, tape and strips of paper to attach the boxes, bottles and tubes together to build our rockets.

Bulb Planting

This afternoon we planted some spring bulbs. Hopefully we will see them again soon.

Rocket Forces

Today we learnt about forces. First we talked about what forces were. Andrew came up with this idea, that we used for the rest of the lesson. a force makes you do something   We drew force diagrams using arrows to show these forces. We learnt the words thrust, friction and gravity. Then we did… Read more »

Word Classes

Yesterday we braved the cold to practise word classes. We used sentences drawn on the playground to identify nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives. When Mr Salmon called out a word class we had to go and stand on the correct word. In class we changed these words to change the meaning of the sentence.

Space Art

This afternoon we used the marbling inks to make constellations and planets to use in our topic display.


Today we made chocolate crispie cakes! We are looking forward to eating them later on today…

Oliver Jeffers

Last week we wrote Our own version of Oliver Jeffers’ Lost and Found using only the pictures to guide us. This week we got the watercolours out and recreated some of the illustrations from the story. We practised creating a colour wash over a large area. Here are some of our pictures.

Christmas Bazaar

Well done to all of our creators and artist who made our Christmas decorations. We have had great fun running our stall. Thanks to all who bought a Christmas tree decoration from us.