Delightful Deck Chair Designs

Today in Class 3, we have been working on building our deck chair designs. We are pleased with the results we have had. Unfortunately, we have not been able to finish them all since we ran out of working glue guns! We will, however, get the final ones finished when we come back after half-term…. Read more »

Safety week

This week has been very exciting in school and we have all been learning about how to keep ourselves and others safe! Thank you to all the team for organising all the fun activities. Well done to all the children for being so responsible and working together to help each other achieve!

Library Cards

I have sent home a form from Essex Library Services to be completed. This form will allow us to get library cards sorted for our children. With these we will be able to both use the library bus when available, and borrow e-books on the iPads in school. The children will also be able to… Read more »

Class 3 Assembly

Well done Class 3 for absolutely rocking our class assembly! It was lovely to share all the super work we’ve done so far.

The Lord’s Prayer

Today, Reverend Sarah led our Collective Worship and helped us to think about The Lord’s Prayer. We thought about the words and their meaning. I am very proud of the children and their responses. Thank you Reverend Sarah for helping us and leading our worship.

Athlete visit

Today we had a visit from International Hurdler – Gianni Frankis. The children had a fantastic time joining in with the circuit training and listened well during his talk. Thank you Gianni for joining us today and teching us to ‘Never Give Up’ and ‘Keep On Trying’!

Class 3 English and Maths Homework

Good afternoon all! Just to let you know that the English and Maths homework is now switching to be fully online. The maths already switched over to MyMaths last week and I’ve had some good responses. The English will now switch over to Google Classroom. I will send out the logins tomorrow for you to… Read more »

Accelerated Reader

Good morning, A few people recently have asked about Accelerated Reader access at home. I am pleased to give you the following information: Please follow this address: This is the only address you can use for our school and the one you must follow – you cannot simply Google Accelerated Reader. Once you are… Read more »

Sign language

Today, we revisited The Creation story in the Old Testament book of Genesis. We then learnt a poem with sign language actions to help us reflect on how we can look after and respect our amazing world. Can you remember all the actions? Try teaching your family and friends!

Open Door Class 3 2.45pm

We are pleased to welcome you to Class 3 this afternoon. We will be taking the opportunity to share and participate in some art work. We have been drawing old cameras in as much detail as possible. You can also take the opportunity to have a look at some of the other work we have… Read more »