Easter bonnet parade

This afternoon we saw some amazing Easter bonnets! Well done to all the children for their brilliant effort and many thanks to the PTFA for organising this special event for us all.

School awards

Today we had our end of spring term awards in assembly. We had so many award winner! Congratulations to all who received awards. Keep up the good work!

Great D’Arcy Bake Off

Well done to the Rota Kids for organising this weeks Bake Off. It was a hugely successful and popular event! Well done to all who participated.

Musical spectacular

Today Class 3 performed to their families. Well done to all the pupils and staff for sharing your amazing talents – the singing was uplifting and the variety of talents was impressive!

Easter Service

Today we had the pleasure of Bishop Roger delivering our Easter Service. We sung lots of amazing Easter themed songs.

Bake off

Please remember about our school bake off on Wednesday 3rd of April. Feel free to bring in some money for the after school bake sale. For the bake off, we have a special prize for each category as seen below.

Mother’s Day Cream Tea

Thank you to Mrs Longhurst and Mrs Chambers for organising this wonderful two day event. The scones were delicious!

Lee Valley 

This week we enjoyed a fabulous trip to Waltham Abbey Gardens. We participated in orienteering and plantlife activities. The trip was thoroughly enjoyed by all. We were complimented on how positive and well behaved our children were. Well done for representing the school so well!

Fair well Mrs B

Today we say a fond fair well to Mrs Bartholomew who has been a member of our school for 13 years. Thank you for everything you have done for us and we hope you come and visit soon!

World Book Day

Thank you for everyone who took part in the parent-child reading session, It was a blast! Thank you for those who donated cakes! Everyone looked so fantastic in their costumes. The winners of the best costume in each class will be announced on Monday.