Earth Day.

Today is the 50th Earth Day which started in 1970 in the USA. Usually it is marked by activities such as tree planting, road-side litter collecting etc but this year we’ve got to think of ideas for the home. NASA ( North American Space Agency ) has lots of information and ideas which can… Read more »

Areas, wading birds and a birthday.

Over the year Class 4 has looked at perimeter and area, here is a set of challenges that will remind you of our previous learning. Remember to show square numbers for area. The coast of Essex is made up of estuaries and mud flats which are home to many species of wading birds, the wordsearch… Read more »

Summer Term has begun!

We have lots of interesting and exciting work planned for you over the next few weeks and this week’s work can be downloaded here and will be sent out on Parentmail. We’ll also put up daily brain teasers to get you started.

Friday Brain Teasers.

Here are a few puzzles for you to solve: Milson has divided 15 x 1p coins among 4 bags and now, without opening any of the bags, he can pay any sum between 1p and 15p. How many pennies were put into each bag? Jackie paid £21.00 for 5 presents, A, B, C, D and… Read more »

World Autism Awareness Day April 2nd.

Today is World Autism Awareness Day which gives us an opportunity to think about, discuss and accept the differences that Autism or ASD makes to peoples lives. Autism is a lifelong, developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them. Here are… Read more »

April Fools Day.

Remember that April Fools jokes are only until midday, if you trick someone after that then you are the fool! In the Horrid Henry books there are lots of pranks being played, read one of the books and keep a note of how many horrid tricks are played. If you don’t like those books try… Read more »


Don’t forget to look up any words that you havn’t come across before.

Monday EMA

Here a few few extra’s to get your maths minds working: Start with the number 5, +7, halve it, x 12, – 9, divide by 7, + 16, x 2, -48, x 11= ? Start with the number 16, a quarter of it, +81, divide by 5, x 6, – 44, halve it, + 47,… Read more »