
Class 3 had a wonderful afternoon acting out a Roman play. It was great to see them grow in confidence over the afternoon adding in actions and expression too!

Sporty Friday

Class 4 had a wonderful afternoon playing rounders and taking part in running races!

Class assembly

Well done Class 1 for a great assembly today! Thank you for sharing your learning with us.

TimesTables workshop

I have posted the presentation for the parent workshop on Google Classroom. Please speak to a member of staff if you have any questions about the upcoming test, or would like further advice on how to support your child.

Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Today, Reverend Tracey led our whole school worship on the theme of being courageous. After listening to the Old Testament Story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den, we talked about different ways that we are courageous in our daily lives.

2 Johns

Years 1-6 have taken part in e-safety workshops today with the 2 Johns. The sessions took place via Zoom with other local schools. The children engaged extremely well and and asked sensible questions. The key message from all the sessions was around who to talk to and what to do if anything makes them feel… Read more »


Thank you Linda for leading our worship today and helping us to think about being courageous. The Easter story and the story of David and Goliath, helped us to reflect upon this Christian Value.


Thank you for supporting this years book fair. You raised enough money to buy all these books for school! Well done everyone. Thank you Mrs Fowler for all your hard work.

Easter Service

Thank you to our Holy Council and church team for leading our church service this afternoon. The children worked together to retell the Easter Story through readings, songs and prayers. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend and walk to church with us – it was great to share our learning… Read more »

Book Day charity event

On Wednesday 23rd March, we enjoyed a Magic and Mystery themed dressing up day in aid of Comic Relief!