First things first.

What a way to start the day. Working together in Maths can be great fun. Now we are ready to learn ! 

Punctuation Kung Fu

Today we worked on our sentence structure and practised some Punctuation Kung Fu to remind us to use punctuation in our work. We practised the action for full stop. We practised the action for exclamation mark.

Planting our magic beans!

Today, we planted our ‘magic’ beans. We thought about whether we needed to put soil in the tube before the bean and then if we needed more. We talked about what the bean would need to grow. The children knew we needed water, sunlight and soil. We also watched a video showing how a bean… Read more »

Material Properties

Today we experimented with different materials. We had to choose one we thought would make the best plane ticket. We tested different properties for each material. We tried wood, pasta, paper and plastic.

Noah’s Ark

On Monday, the Holy Council planned and delivered Collective Worship. The story of Noah’s Ark was chosen to support the them of persevering. Thank you to all the team for working together and well done!

Wow wall!

Our Wow Wall needs filling with fantastic work. If your child has any marvellous drawings or maybe some super writing that they have done at home, we would love to have it on the wall.

This weeks theme is organising ourselves.

This week we will be working on our organisation skills. In our English, Maths and our topic learning. The homework set is due in on Friday. New spellings will be given Tuesday. We are looking forward to another successful week! 

Number sandwiches

The children have been busy exploring the Numicon this week. We made ‘number sandwiches’ looking at how a number can be made in different ways. 


Today we had a play with some ukuleles. It was really fun getting to experience the instruments and amazing when we finally learnt a simple tune.​ ​​​ ​​ ​​​ ​


Today we used the balance beams in gym. We tried different ways of crossing them without falling off. Here are some pictures of us balancing.