Wreath making

In our class collective worship today, the children learnt about the advent wreath and what each of the candles symbolise. Then the children all worked together to use their scissor skills to cut paper strips to create a class wreath. Some of the children helped join the paper strips.


Today we were able to get out the clay out and start making our clay owls. We practised using the clay to make different shapes. We then started to make the clay owls themselves. Some of us found it hard to add detail without cutting all the way through the clay, or that the clay… Read more »

Class performance

Today we showcased our learning in our class performance to the school. We were proud of all our achievements and would like to thank Mr Lund for teaching us to read music and play the recorders!

Our nativity creations

Today the children created their very own nativity scene; including a stable, some animals and some characters from the nativity story. They used many different materials such as fabrics, paper and cardboard and learnt how to join and secure materials using elastic bands. The year one children had to work independently and had to use… Read more »

For good measure…

 The children in class 3 have been converting measures to map out areas of the school. It has been important to work with other groups to get the job done!

Making 10

Today we investigated different ways of making 10 using the numicon and balance scales. We are now learning to say our number bonds really quickly e..g 4+6=10 7+3=10 or 10-5 =5. Please help us to practice at home.


We have been learning about fractions. We used multi links to make and compare fractions. We noticed that 1/2 is the same as 2/4. We also found out that 1/2 is bigger than 1/3. We then found out that 1/2 is the same as 0.5!