Welcome Back Class 3!

Welcome back Class 3 to the Summer term!

The children have come back to school enjoying a full day of learning and fun:

  • During maths, they were dividing 2-digit numbers by 10 creating a decimal number by practically moving counters one space to the right on a place value chart followed by completing related questions independently.
  • In English, they were introduced to explanation texts and they found out how and why the Battle of Bosworth Field happened which links to this half term’s Tudor history topic.
  • They enjoyed an all-weather PE session, practising throwing and catching in the hail, rain, wind and sunshine and they took part in small sided striking games!
  • During PSHE, they learnt about different roles and responsibilities that we have in our everyday life while enjoying a miming game to show these. We discussed the meaning of stereotyping and the roles and responsibilities that we may perceive as being male and female jobs.

It was a a busy first day back and we have lots more exciting things in store this half term!

Well done Class 3!