Class 3 Homework


Please find attached this half term’s creative homework sheet:


Please ensure that the children practise their times tables for at least ten minutes everyday.

All children have login details for Times Table Rock Stars.

Year 4 National Times Tables Check

The Year 4 Times Tables Test is an online test with 25 questions randomly selected from all times tables up to 12 times table. Children must answer each question within a 6 seconds time limit so the whole test will take less than 5 minutes. It usually takes place in June but the date will be confirmed.

In preparation for the Year 4 Times Table National Check in June, the following TT Rock Stars activities will be useful to:

TT Rock Stars Sound check: This gives random questions with a given time limit.

TT Rock Stars Garage: This identifies and targets times tables that the children have struggled with.

Well done Class 3!