Zoom Show and Tell Meeting

Hi all,

Just a few notes before the Zoom meeting this morning.

Firstly, a reminder to please ensure that children are supervised during the meeting. This doesn’t mean you have to be on camera during the meeting, just that you are close by to keep an eye on what’s happening.

Secondly, although the meeting is secure in that the address and password information have only been sent directly through ParentMail, I will still lock the meeting shortly after it begins. This means that additional people will not be allowed to join the meeting (unless I have been previously notified) so please make sure you are prompt in joining. I hope you understand my taking these steps to help keep the meeting safe and secure.

For those who haven’t used Zoom before (I’m a beginner myself!), once you’ve clicked the link and been taken to the site for the meeting, you’ll need to enter the password you have been given to enter the meeting. You will then be put into a waiting room for me to approve and enter the meeting – please be patient as I check everyone joining for safety. When prompted, please use your name so it is clear that it is you. You will be muted and won’t be able to be heard when the meeting begins (that’s just so I can make sure everyone isn’t trying to talk at the same time!) and we’ll go from there!

I would recommend going on to the site by following the link a few minutes before the start time to make sure you can get everything up and running.

I look forward to seeing you then,

Mr. Este