Tuesday’s learning.

Hoping everyone enjoyed the Zoom chat yesterday and showed off lots of their amazing learning from last week!

We will be completing another Zoom call on the 18th May. That will give you all a lot of time to complete learning and gather some special pieces to show us. In the meantime, please keep sending in your photos so we can blog them. Hopefully we can get some new faces up there too!

Science: Thinking about yesterday’s activity on a Bees body and what it may feel like and why, thinking about how we could make Norman, the Bumblebear a pair of wings. What materials would work best for that? Does it need to be light? Hard? Heavy? Think about the shape they need to be and why? What shape would work best? Would some shapes and materials make him fly faster or slower?

Geography/ICT/Research: Around there world there are many, many, MANY kinds of Bees. Research where different bees are found and why they might live in that country. Specific bees can be found in one country and there is one country that has NO bees at all…

Art: How to draw a realistic bee. We have completed these step by step drawings before and we know you all produce some great art afterwards. Have a try of this one and pause it when you need to. Take your time and I bet you will create a masterpiece! Can’t wait to see them! 🙂

Have a lovely day and be safe!

Miss Jenkins and Mr Fox.