Learning day 2!

Good morning all! Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy! Yesterday, we stayed healthy with Joe Wicks yesterday morning and will be doing the same again today! Click on the link below to join in!


Literacy: Create your own Fairy Tale

Write your very own ‘Fairy Tale’ complete with a Front Cover to place in our reading corner for your classmates to read. You can use your alternative story from yesterday to help you or you can choose to do a new one!

My maths has been uploaded (more tomorrow)

Maths– grouping! This shows 3 x 2.

3 groups and 2 in each, giving the answer of 6.

We have already done arrays and this is a similar technique. Please work on 2, 3 & 4 times tables as we are a little rusty!

Reading/audio books – David Walliams has a new audio book out today! Click on the link below for his latest audio book – Spoilt Brad!

Fine motor activities – Lego challenge! Day 2.

NASA needs you to build a new rocket! Look at different pictures of rockets, what could you add to your design? It needs to be sleek, tall and thin! Look up aerodynamic (good word to use when talking about space rockets!)

Keep looking at the blog as more activities are being uploaded by myself and Mr Fox!

Make good choices everyone!

Miss Jenkins

P.S – link for David Walliams page- for new books each day!
