Maths task for the week

Here is your maths task for the week for Year One. Reception, your task will follow at the end of this blog.

Now yesterday, I asked you to find out about Pictograms. I would like you to create your own chart and record the data of certain things you will find during your daily walk.

I want your chart to look like mine.

Each sighting will be one picture going upwards in the chart. If you do this everyday, you will collect enough data so that we can compare each others sightings.

Reception, I would like you to focus on using tally marks to record your data. If you compile a simple grid with the same things as above to look for, then tally as you go along through the week. Remember, your fifth tally mark crosses the 4 lines to close the gate.

Good luck, I look forward to seeing all your data.

Mrs Whybrow