Thursday fun


Hope you all had a marvellous day yesterday. I hope the flower experiment has worked for you and you now have beautifully coloured petals.

Thank you all for sending in photos of all the fantastic learning you have completed. It is wonderful, keep them coming!

Today, I would like you to think of the life cycle of a Butterfly. We already know that it starts as a caterpillar but what is it before that?

Reception, I would like you to order the life cycle by looking at the activity shown second.

Year One, I would like you to complete the following cycle.

Year One, in addition to this I would like you to write a description about each stage. I would like you to try and research the words pupa and larva to include in your description.

Please keep on with your Mymaths, well done to those who are accessing it regularly.

Enjoy the sunshine again and have a lovely day.

Mrs Whybrow