Wonderful Wednesday!

Good morning Class One, we are half way through the week already and I hope you are enjoying your home learning.

Today, I would like Reception to play a phonics I spy with your families, either at home or whilst you are out for your daily walk. Remember your digraphs please, so a sheep starts with a ‘sh’ rather than an ‘s’.

Year One, can you challenge your family to a game of phonics hangman.Remember to explain a long dash is a digraph/trigraph and a small dash is a single sound. Can you use some of your phase 5 sounds? Can you beat your parents?!

Lego challenge; build a castle fit for the giant and his wife. Once complete, use your ruler to measure the sides. If you record this, don’t forget your units of measurement.

Tomorrow, we will be looking at Saint Francis of Assisi.

Enjoy the sunshine and I look forward to seeing your work.

Mrs Whybrow