Jonah and the whale

Today, Class one learnt about the story of Jonah and the whale. Afterwards, we made our own Jonah and the Whale paper puppets. These all looked supercool!!

Mapping out our lessons

On Wednesday, class one took part into an activity in which the children, using maps, coloured in and glued on some of the crops from Mrs Handford’s farm. We really enjoyed doing thousand being creative with the strange materials.


As many of you may know, class one have had some guests in class over the past couple of months: tadpoles. However all of our tadpoles are beginning to turn into froglets and many of them are fully formed frogs. We are very happy to witness the great transformation of the frog.

Tennis and music

This afternoon we had fun playing tennis and composing music. In PE we practiced throwing, catching hitting and serving! We are improving each week!

Class 1 discovering corn

Today all of the children discovered and investigated lots of different types and versions of corn. We really enjoyed getting up close with the corn and describing what they were all like. Mrs Handford was really helpful in teaching us all about the different types of Corn.


While year 2 were gardening with Mrs Richards, year 3 took some time to meditate. In class we have been looking at Buddhism and had watched some people meditating in a video. This afternoon we looked (and smelled) incense and thought about why candles feature in Buddhist meditation. Finally we meditated ourselves, focusing on being… Read more »

Chasing our shadows

Today in class 1, we having been learning about shadows in relevance to our featured artist: Gordon Bruce. First we identified what shadows actually are and the basic physics of shadows.