School Day

Children can enter school in the morning from 8:40am and our learning begins at 8:55am with registration and an early morning activity to promote thinking skills. 

Core learning takes place throughout the morning with a whole school assembly at 10.15am - 10.30am. 

Break time is at 10.30am. This is a chance of the children to have some fresh air, water and a healthy snack. 

Every day children learn to write and practice writing; learn to read and apply reading skills; practice mental number skills; learn mathematical concepts and apply them to problem solving. Literacy skills are also developed using foundation subjects as the content of learning to enable smarter use of time.

Key stage 1 lunchtime is 12pm - 1pm. Key stage 2 lunchtime is 12.20pm - 13.20pm. At lunchtime the learning doesn’t stop; our MDAs and staff team help the children with equipment, clubs and activities. There are plenty of exciting things to do during this break.

Hot lunches are provided at a charge to KS2 pupils, and preordered meals are provided to all KS1 pupils re the Government Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) scheme, by our kitchen or pupils can bring their own packed lunch.

During our afternoon learning pupils’ all-round skills are continued to be developed through subjects that develop the self and an understanding of the wider world.

There are a number of after school clubs at our school (Click here to go to the clubs page)