Our Christian Ethos

 ‘We show love and compassion for others by truly helping them, and not merely talking about it.’ (1 John 3:18)

We are proud to be a Church of England academy that shares the Canonium Learning Trust purpose - to give every child the very best education possible. We serve children of all faiths and those with none.

Together, our school community, use our Christian Values of: Respect, Perseverance and Friendship to guide us in all that we do within and beyond school life.

We maximise opportunities by prioritising spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and social development that enables children and adults to live ‘life in all its fullness' (John 10:10).

Influenced by the Church of England’s vision to educate for ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10), our vision focuses on wisdom to challenge our teaching and learning to prioritise spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, moral, and social development. With a golden thread of deep knowledge, critical thinking, strong communication and exciting learning opportunities running consistently throughout our curriculum our community thrives through the opportunity to set children on a pathway that sees them gain experience, knowledge and good judgement. This enables every child to not only achieve highly but to also add value and thrive in our evolving world and society. 

Based on the teachings of Jesus, and the stories he told, our school community follows his example in treating everyone as a unique individual. Our bible verse provides a living example of how we choose to live our lives: ‘We show love and compassion for others by truly helping them, and not merely talking about it.’ (1 John 3:18) Our commitment to this ensures D'Arcy Academy remains a happy, ambitious and successful school. Together, our pupils, parents, staff and governors work hard to sustain a professional and positive learning community.

''Pupils are proud to be part of the school. They know the Christian values and talk fondly about their close links with the local church. They learn about other religions and cultures and understand the importance of tolerance. Pupils listen respectfully to each other and respond sensitively. Older pupils are particularly caring towards children in Reception. They take time to make sure children are feeling happy and safe.'' Ofsted April 24.