World Record Attempt

There are plenty more times tables activities and dances if you search for times table rockstars on Youtube. Mr. Este

Music – Home is Where the Heart Is

Today we have been looking at country music and learning the song Home is Where the Heart Is. We accompanied his with some glockenspiel playing. Great job Class 3!

KS2 Bake off and Art

Wow – you are all so talented! Well done for all your entries to the KS2 House Matches.

KS1 Bake off and Art Competition

Well done to all the children who entered the KS1 Bake off and Art competitions. You have been incredibly busy!

House Matches

The House Matches got off to a great start today – well done everyone!

House Matches

It’s that time of the year again, House Games will commence from next Monday (16/05/22) to Thursday (19/05/22). This year we are very happy to say that we are able to hold WHOLE School House Games where the children will be competing within their Houses to win the title of House Games Champions! This year… Read more »

Sing along!

The children are enjoying learning this song and some signs too!


Class 3 had a wonderful afternoon acting out a Roman play. It was great to see them grow in confidence over the afternoon adding in actions and expression too!


Thank you Mrs Brown-Lee for cooking these delicious pasties with Class 3 today.

TimesTables workshop

I have posted the presentation for the parent workshop on Google Classroom. Please speak to a member of staff if you have any questions about the upcoming test, or would like further advice on how to support your child.