The hard work continues…

Well done to everyone! Keep looking at the blogs as i’m having lots of photos, so uploads happening all day! Have a great day!

Quiz your family!

I would like all of class one to have a go at this speaking and listening challenge with a grown up of your choice. I would like you to ask them the following questions: What was your favourite toy as a child? What was your favourite TV show? What did you do during school holidays?… Read more »

Super simple maths game!

Morning, here is a super simple maths game that you can easily create at home. Create a bottom bingo sheet with numbers on for however many players you wish, then create some bingo questions to cover the numbers. The first player to cover their sheet is the winner! The questions can be along the lines… Read more »

All of your hard work!

All of our teaching team here would like to say a massive well done for everyones hard work so far! We have received lots of photos from you guys and your learning looks so much fun! Keep it up and we can’t wait to see more! Teachers 🙂

Creativity with ink activity

Hi guys, sorry for not posting for a couple days, we were having maintenance on the blog but I’m glad to see it’s back now. Today’s creative activity involves ball point pens. An art supply I’m sure most of you have thousands of, these can produce some amazing and quick bits of art work. The… Read more »

Water fun!

Here is a really fun way of experimenting with water and boats. Make a boat out of tin foil and see how many items you can fit in before it sinks. Make different shaped boats and see what happens. How many 1p coins can you fit into a boat before it sinks? Can you predict… Read more »

Mixed up fairy tales.

Fairy tales are lots of fun to read and to retell but what would happen if Red Riding Hood stumbled across the Gingerbread House from Hansel and Gretel? Would she save them? What fairy tales can you mix up and create new stories with? Maybe you could create a storyboard or tell your grown ups… Read more »

Learning activities

Good morning all! I hope everyone had a great and safe weekend. Spellings: Please focus on the spelling and which context they are used in (by putting it into a sentence) Sometimes it isn’t always about the spelling, it’s about understanding which one to use in the correct way (choosing the correct spelling is also… Read more »