Plea for Newspapers!

Please could we have any unwanted newspapers to use for our art unit and nativity backgrounds. Please do send in any newspaper that you have at home with your child. Thank you for your support.

Indoor PE – Body shapes, travelling sequences and jumps.

In our PE lessons we have been looking at the basics of gymnastics. We started with exploring how we can use our body in different ways to travel across the mats and apparatus, making different body shapes and performing sequences. They particularly enjoyed the skipping, hopping and jumping!

Change to day of returning and changing home reading books.

We have decided that we will now change the home reading books on a more regular basis, instead of every Friday. When the book needs to be changed the children will just place their book wallet into the classroom box and we will then give them the opportunity to swap it for a fresh one…. Read more »

Daily reading in Class 1.

The children are really enjoying reading the books from the Rhino reader scheme, which are linked to what they have been learning in their daily phonics sessions. Throughout the day children are given lots of opportunities to read for pleasure as well as working on specific ‘skills’ during their literacy lessons. We are starting to… Read more »

E books 20.10.23

This weeks book titles are Ben and In the Cock Pit.

Local geography

Class one and two have been learning about the geography and history of Tolleshunt D’Arcy. We took a walk around Darcy village and spotted some local land marks and physical features, which we are going to plot on to our own maps that we will be making in our geography learning.

Cricket Day!

Today , we were joined by Chloe from Essex County Cricket Club for a day all about cricket. This was to celebrate the Cricket World Cup that is being held in India. Chloe held an assembly this morning and talked about the nations taking part and showed us some of the rules of the game… Read more »


Class 1 had a visit from an Essex cricket coach. We learnt about the different equipment that cricketers use, how to use it safely and then practiced some some key skills with batting, throwing and catching balls.