Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader is an online platform we use at school to help children apply their reading skills.

In school, children are expected to take a ‘quiz’ on a book once they have read it. This consists of a series of questions that check the child’s knowledge and understanding of the book they have read. There are also additional articles that can be quizzed as well that cover a range of non-fiction topics.

It would be fantastic to see the children carry this on at home. They should be familiar enough in the platform to be able to do this fairly independently and checking children’s comprehension of texts is important in helping develop their reading.

You will need to follow the school’s speficic link to access the site. Searching in Google won’t work since each school has their own web address.

The children should know their username and password. Please contact us, however, if you need to check this.

It would be great to see children start to take quizzes on books they are reading. It would really help them make progress in their reading. It would also be useful if they could do a ‘Star Test’ at some point. This is a longer test (it should take around 20 minutes or more) that assesses children’s overall comprehension ability; it’s the one we use to help determine which books they should be reading.

Thank you for your support in doing this,

All the best,

Mr. Este