The Bumblebear 03.02

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Today is the third day of taking care of your baby bees, how are they all doing? How are you making sure they stay safe?

English/Science: WALT – write narratives about personal experiences and those of others and use my senses to observe. Watch this clip of Barry the Bee leaving his hive for the very first time. Have a think about all the different things that Barry will experience on his first trip outside. Can you write five sentences about what Barry is going to experience using the five different senses – sight, smell, touch, taste and hear. How can you make your sentences more interesting?

PSHE/Geography: WALT – how to keep safe in different places and situations and say what places are like using words and phrases such as noisy and busy. Barry is a very inexperienced bee and has never been outside of the hive before! He does not know about all of the dangers which are out in the world. Can you be Barry’s safety detective? Can you find 3 different dangers that Barry might find out in the world and help Barry by telling him how to keep safe? For example, how would Barry keep safe from flying kites?

PE: WALT – copy, repeat and explore skills and move with careful control and care. Have a go at some bee themed yoga!

Science/Research/Art: WALT – know that different living things are found in different places and describe how animals are suited to their environment. Bees live in lots of different places around the world, but what is similar about these different places? Can you create a scene where you think bees would love to live? You can choose how you would like to create this – paper, with pencils, paints, materials, digitally – it is up to you. Have a think about what the bees need in their environment? Would it be dull or colourful? What things would be there?  Why do you think the bees would like to live in your scene?

Finally, can you spot the bee hiding in this picture?

Have a great day of learning!

Mrs Archer, Mr Fox and Miss Bixby.