Maths – Missing Numbers

This week we have looked at missing numbers. We have used balance scales to picture how to solve them.

This scale is balanced. So 5 + 3 must equal 8

When there has been an unknown number we have added more to the highest side until the sides balanced again. This can work for adding and taking away.

This weeks year 2 homework continues this idea with missing numbers. The second problem looks like this:

This puzzle is another way of looking at missing numbers. To solve it start with the row or column that is all one type of fruit. 

The 4 apples add up to 80. This is like ? + ? + ? + ? = 80. We can try numbers until we get to 80, but they must be the same number for each ?.

10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 40 (too low)

20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 80 (just right)

Now we know the apples we can work out the other fruit in a similar way. For the plums:

? + 20 + ? + 20 = 70                    OR                     ? + 40 = 70