Busy Bees 25th Feb

Let’s begin with the coding project for the day. I hope you enjoy this Minecraft activity. Hopefully, you are getting more confident with programming as each day passes.


If you child is really enjoying these coding projects, I can recommend downloading Scratch as an extension task.


Scratch is a little more in-depth than the activities I have posted, child friendly still but I always find you have to have real enthusiasm and determination to be successful. I’d love to know if anyone wants to try this. Message me if you do.

As a creative task today, can you find out about bee dances. Bees indicate where pollen/nectar can be found by wiggling their bottoms to show their friends.

Watch this clip from 30 seconds in until 1m9s.

Maths games for today in addition to your data collection.


Beehive more or less


Comparing sizes


Year 1

Refresh your place value knowledge of tens and ones


A fun addition game


As always, Reception if you would like to try the Year 1 games, please do but I would like you to work through your tasks first.

Have a fun day.

Mrs Whybrow