Summer Term Part 2!

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Summer term, I hope you all had a relaxing and safe break.

Back to learning we go! I look forward to seeing some of you at school, if you are not attending, this is your learning.

We will start with a shake break as usual.

I would like your first activity to be designing an information poster. I would like you to focus on how to keep safe and hygienic during our current situation.

What information will you put in the poster? Will you use lots of pictures to help people understand or will you use text as well? Will it be bright and colourful? How will you capture people’s attention?

Watch this video, it is such a lovely way to understand our current climate of social distancing.

Maybe you could write a letter to a friend or family member you haven’t seen for a while. What would you say to them?

Enjoy the sunshine, remember to practice your phonics games and watch Geraldine to recall your sounds. For maths, I would like you to count how many steps it takes you to get from your bedroom to the kitchen. Then, work out one more and one less, how many tens and how many ones?

I’d love to hear your answers, email them to me via the office.

Mrs Whybrow