Colourful Language!

Our vocabulary challenge was to name as many colours as possible, some pupils managed over 40! Well done Class 4.


This week Class 4 have learnt about and made water clock timers or Clepshydra and checked their accuracy using sand-timers.

Class 4 Homework 22.2.22

Your Literacy Homework is attached below and Numeracy is set on MyMaths as usual.

Class 4 Creative Homework.

Our topic is Springwatch and I hope that you have lots of fun with the tasks that I have set you!

Creative Homework due date!

We’ve had some exceptional work handed in as you can see from the small selection below. I look forward to seeing work from the children who have not yet turned any in, please remind them to bring it to class tomorrow morning. Mr Hopegood

More Macbeth

Our Class 4 Thespians have nearly finished their shoebox theatres and planning for the scenes which they will show to each other in class. I can’t wait!