Class 4’s Creative Homework.

We’ve had very pleasing amount of great homework handed in over the last couple of weeks and the squadron below was the last to land!

More Jubilee activities for Class 4.

Today we have made Union Flag bunting and the class followed step by step instructions to produce some amazing line drawings of the Queen.

Getting to know our characters.

This afternoon Class 4 spent some time thinking about the characters in Oliver Twist, what they were like, how they looked and what they did. There are some great pieces of work here!

Naan and dhal.

This afternoon we cooked and sampled some lentil dhal and naan bread, the naan bread was more popular than the spicy lentil dhal and I was very pleased with Class 4’s willingness to try new and unusual foods. The recipes I used are – Easy Vegan Naan – on Tarka Dhal – Mr… Read more »

Class 4 Spellings 19.05.22

Class 4 use all kinds of strategies to learn their spellings as you can see below, please have a chat with them about their favourite techniques.

May the Fourth (Be With You)!

For May The Fourth Class 4’s learning has been Star Wars based with maths challenges, literacy, music, art and a few Imperial Stormtroopers! Mr Hopegood 🙂