Subtraction in action

On Friday we were getting to grips with subtraction using outdoor learning. We worked on representing calculations and solving them using objects from the grounds.

In RE we are learning …

In RE this term we are learning about Baptism. If anyone in class has been baptised could you please send in some photos of the service so we can have a look at them as a class. We promise we will look after them. Many thanks, Mr Fox

Acting out Asterix

Today we acted out scenes from Asterix and Obelix whilst also putting in the correct punctuation especially speech marks.

The Great Roman Bake Off

This week was cake week on the Great Roman Bake Off. In our technical challenge, we were making authentic Roman honey cake using a recipe found by archaeologists. I’m not sure who will be the first to leave the 10BC Bake Off tent, but I’m certainly sure everyone tried their hardest. Now we just have… Read more »

Number jumps

Today in maths, we looked at number jumps going up in twos, fives and tens. We played a game in which, in pairs, we started in the centre of the number line and rolled a dice. The number we rolled equals the number of jumps you do and whoever makes it to the end of… Read more »

Sleep diaries

Just as a reminder, can we make sure that we are bringing in our completed sleep diaries as they will need to be stuck in to our books asap. If you have lost your original, please feel free to come and get a new one. Many thanks!

Big Write

Last Friday we enjoyed taking part in the big write. We took inspiration from fragments of stories scattered around the building before having a go at independent writing. 

Creating mosaics 

This afternoon, in class3, we created MOSAICS. We did this by cutting lots of squares of paper and stuck them onto a grid. Before this we planned out our designs by colouring in a smaller grid in the desired design.