Sport Day Heats

Just some photos of our sports day heats from yesterday. The children competed in all the events to see who would take part in the finals today.

Biography of the village

Thursday morning we focused on different types of punctuation. We used sentences from our earlier work to practise the different skills.  In the afternoon we applied these skills to writing a fact file about the village. We were surprised to learn about the station and loved looking at the pictures of the old school children.

House Sports!

This morning, we had a wonderful time competing in our houses in a range of sporting activities. Thank you to Mr Este for planning and organising a morning of fun.

Sports day practice 

Today in class one, we had lots of practice for our really exciting day tomorrow: Sports day!

Nibbles the Hamster

Recently in class one, we had a really good exciting guest in our class: Nibbles the Hamster. She was really lovely and interesting and we really loved her being with us. Thank you for visiting! 

Guided reading

Today in class one, we had lots of group reading activities called Guided Reading. The children really loved doing this! 

Drawing ourselves

Today in class one, we had created drawings of ourselves for our secret project for the Horticultural Show.

Class assembly

This afternoon, we shared our learning with our friends and families during our class assembly. We have thoroughly enjoyed our learning this term. Thank you to Mrs Whybrow, Mrs Handford, Mr Fox and Miss Ripton for all their help.

An exciting guest

We are more than happy to receive some exciting guests that some of our class have at home. We’ve already had Jojo the Tortoise and an offer for Banana the Hamster, which we have accepted, but we are open to many more. Please make sure you run it past Mrs Whybrow first. Many thanks