Harvest festival

Today we went to church to celebrate Harvest. Thank you everyone for your hard work and support. Keep the donations coming – Maldon food bank will be collecting our collection on Thursday.

Observational drawings

Today we looked carefully at different fruit and vegetables. We talked about the shape, colour and detail before we started drawing. We are amazing artists!

Joining Words

In last weeks writing we looked at joining words. We practised extending Mr Salmon’s sentences before extending the ones we used in our stories. Here are some of our sentences using and, but and so.

Maths Experts

Thank you to my maths experts this morning Adam, Elsa, Hattie and Alex. We have been focusing on word problems and our experts were there to answer our questions when we were stuck.  When we answered the questions we: Looked for the numbers in the question. Draw the problem, what is it about. Write the… Read more »

An afternoon of mark making. 

The children have had a lovely afternoon mark making in class. They have pretended to be teachers and vets, each child mark making with a purpose in mind. 

Firework safety

Today, Kate from Essex Fire and Police came to visit us in assembly. We thought about how to keep ourselves safe around fireworks. Thank you Kate for helping us to keep safe.

Number bonds

Today we investigated different ways to make 10 using 2 numbers. We made models using 10 cubes and found different ways to record our findings. Our challenge now is to learn these so we can say the pairs quickly e.g. 5+5, 6+4, 10+0,9+1 etc. Please help us to learn these at home too. Thank you

Pirate song

Today one of our class friends taught us how to dance like a pirate! It was great fun!

We will remember them

Today we used clay to make poppies to help us to mark 100 years since the end of the First World War. We are looking forward to painting them!

The Great Roman Bake Off

This week was cake week on the Great Roman Bake Off. In our technical challenge, we were making authentic Roman honey cake using a recipe found by archaeologists. I’m not sure who will be the first to leave the 10BC Bake Off tent, but I’m certainly sure everyone tried their hardest. Now we just have… Read more »