In RE we are learning …

In RE this term we are learning about Baptism. If anyone in class has been baptised could you please send in some photos of the service so we can have a look at them as a class. We promise we will look after them. Many thanks, Mr Fox


Today we have been learning about Diwali. We enjoyed dressing up, telling the story of Rama and Sita and making Diva lamps. 

Operation Christmas Child

This year we are putting together some shoeboxes as part of Operation Christmas Child. We will be collecting for a boy and a girl aged 2-4 as well as a boy and girl aged 5-9. If you would like to donate items towards this project, we would appreciate toiletries, small stationary items or new toys…. Read more »

Half Term Homework

I hope you are enjoying your break, Class 2. Well done for your hard work last half term, especially your story writing. Below is some homework for you to get ready for next half term. Reading Keep reading your school book. Focus on what you think will happen next. This could be as you read… Read more »

Thank you

Class one would like to say a big thank you to Jamie who came in to talk about being a Firefighter. We learnt lots of new things and found it very interesting. In phonics, we wrote a thank you letter, carefully using our new sounds when writing. The Class one team wishes you all a… Read more »

Safety week

This week the children have been learning about different aspects of safety. Today the classes presented their learning in assembly. Mrs Saye also spoke to the children about the defibrillator which is situated by the village hall in Tolleshunt D’Arcy. Thank you to the whole team for their hard work supporting children with these important… Read more »

PE – Pike and Straddle

In PE we practised pike and straddle balances. We started with a partner making different letters before using the apparatus to practise the moves in our own.

Cross Country

This morning we hosted a very successful cross country event. Thank you to all the other schools who attended and a massive well done to all the children who took part.

Safety week

This week class one have been learning about different ways to stay safe. We enjoyed our lesson in road safety as we ended up in the park. We have also learnt about first aid, e safety and good hand washing. 


Today in PE we continued our learning about the skeleton and body. We tried different activities and watched each other to see which bones and muscles we were using.  To start with we thought that we lifted using our arms and just kicked with our legs. After watching each other we realised that we were… Read more »