The Hare and the Tortoise

The Holy Council led the collective worship with a focus on persevering. They planned and acted out the story of the Hare and the Tortoise and discussed the moral with the school. Well done – you made us all very proud!

Explanation Texts & Homework

Well done Class 2, some great writing for our How to get to space explanation texts. You really reflected on what you included and used the success criteria well. Some pictures of this work to follow next week.   I have set some maths homework on Sam Learning again this week. For most there are two… Read more »

It’s a ‘Card’ life being in Class 3

Today we have been using card games to help with the speed of our addition skills. I’m sure a lot of children will enjoy playing some of these games at home too!

Bulb Planting

This afternoon we planted some spring bulbs. Hopefully we will see them again soon.


Last nights high winds gave Mr Este an idea! Continuing our Science topic of forces we made our own anemometers.

Junk Modelling

Next week we will be making our own rockets from recycled materials. If you have any bottles or cardboard boxes that you could provide that would be much appreciated. – Mr Salmon

Rocket Forces

Today we learnt about forces. First we talked about what forces were. Andrew came up with this idea, that we used for the rest of the lesson. a force makes you do something   We drew force diagrams using arrows to show these forces. We learnt the words thrust, friction and gravity. Then we did… Read more »


This afternoon in Class 3 we have been using hieroglyphics to write our own Cartouche. We sketched first and then using watercolours to bring them alive. 

Jam Tarts

Today we followed instructions and made our class some delicious jam tarts.

A Pharaoh’ld Time

This morning we have been role playing and interviewing as fictional Pharaohs in preparation for our ‘Feast of the Pharaohs’ tomorrow. We look forward to sharing more after the feast!